Monday, June 25, 2012

In the Meantime!

"For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, . . ."  Psalm 90:4

So how many of you have ever waited for something in your life? Something to happen, an answer, a miracle, the cashier at your local supermarket (we all know about that). Waiting, waiting, waiting . . .! We all have! We have all wanted something in our life but have had to wait for God to fulfill that request or to answer that prayer. It is all part of daily living. It is very rare that we want something and we immediately have it at our finger tips. Many times we find ourselves waiting for that moment or that answer to come and we often get consumed "in the waiting"! I have often times found myself in this same situation where I have had to wait on God! So I've often wondered what do we do "in the meantime"? The time where we are waiting on God to answer that request. I remember while in high school I "couldn't wait" to graduate and start college. While in college I "couldn't wait" until I again graduated. When I got my first job I "couldn't wait" until I got married. When I got married I "couldn't wait" until we had children (that's a big one for me and my husband Chris)! Well, the list could just keep going and going and going and so could that list for many of you!

So my question for myself and for you today is "WHAT ARE WE DOING IN THE MEANTIME"! 

I remember that day very well for me, probably could tell you what I was even wearing and what my hair looked like. I remember it vividly that I had gone to classes all day at Ole Miss and then attended aerobics with my room mate later that afternoon. I had a typical doctors appointment and knew she would tell me the same thing that she had been telling me for the past two years. "Well, Ms. Lauren things look great to me, see you next year". However, this year things had been a little different and I began to explain to her that some things were changing for me just a bit. She decided to take some blood and ran some tests. Honestly at this point I didn't think a thing about it. About a week later she said she wanted to see me in her office for the results. She shared with me on the phone that it was truly nothing but she just wanted to talk to me about some of my blood work. Again, she assured me it was not cancer or anything serious she just wanted to talk. So I went in the next week and sat down to talk with her. She explained that my blood work and an exam showed that I was developing many, many small sized cysts on my ovaries and that I tested for Poly cystic Ovarian Syndrome. I was not scared but then she explained to me that having children would probably be very difficult. No medication was required at this point and there were follow up visits but nothing serious so another year goes by. During my senior year in college I met "THE ONE"!! Our first date was the night that I graduated college and thus began a courtship that would end in an engagement within the next six months. Around October I knew that things were getting pretty serious so I knew that I had to tell him about my issues of children. God knew in my heart that I always wanted to have children. I explained to him that this would probably be an issue so I would understand if he didn't not want to continue in our relationship. I remember his words very clearly when he said, "you know, there is always adoption"! I knew he meant well but I truly wanted him to think about what this might mean for his life. I very quickly said to him that he may never be a daddy! He again said that God was much bigger than that. The next month he proposed and we were married the following March. My doctor encouraged us to begin trying to have a child due to my diagnosis. Month after month it was always still the same! NEGATIVE! For the first year I was not too worried about it but after 18 months I went again to my doctor and she said there was nothing more she could do for us and that we had to see a specialist. I remember her saying that to be truly diagnosed "infertile" you had to go for 18 months without getting pregnant. WAITING, WAITING, AND WAITING! I remember sitting in her clinic after many months of different kinds of medications and she again hands me a prescription and says, this is the only thing that I know will help you! I didn't even want to look at another prescription, I didn't want to take another medicine that made me sick or feel bad, and I didn't want answers; I just wanted to be pregnant. I held it all in until I got to the car and looked at the prescription saying that I wasn't even going to fill it! Why should I keep trying! I looked at the script and couldn't believe what I saw. It was three scriptures that she wanted to share with me that were promises from the Bible that says God is always with you, He will never forsake you, and that God knows the desires of your heart! Well, we made it to our first fertility visit within the next month and were going over all the paperwork and we were totally overwhelmed. I remember looking at Chris and simply telling him that I just couldn't do it. He agreed and that is when we entered into the world of adoption and that my friends is when the waiting began . . . . .!

I have often lived my life from one moment to the next, waiting on the next big thing to occur and I have realized one thing! I am missing out on the "mean time". This is not what God has intended for me or for us. So many times we get caught up in the "next big thing" or the next moment that we forget to live life in the now. We forget that God calls us to live for Him each and every day. I remember in college while working on my Social Work degree that I would say, I will start ministry when I graduate. I look back now and see all the many many opportunities that I missed while I was at Ole Miss. Many opportunities to spread God's word. I waited and I missed out!! How many of us are missing out on the things that God has put right in front of us right in this moment. Are we putting off what God has called us to do because we are not married, we have no children, we are still in school, or that God has not answered that request? I sure hope not! I hope that you are taking each and every opportunity that God gives you to be a light for Him and to minister to the ones who need HIM! God has you right where you are for a specific reason. And in this moment that is exactly where God wants you! Look around you and see what God is wanting you to do with your life "in the meantime . . ."

God does not want you to miss out on your life while you are waiting and often times when we look back; we have learned more from the waiting . . .! 

2 Peter 3:8-9
"But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance".

1 comment:

  1. Lauren, I so needed this today. Thank you for having a heart after God's will, and for being such an encouragement.
